Professor Naira Hovakimyan gave a presentation to GoAero seminar series on safe learning in autonomous systems. The presentation can be watched at the link: GoAERO Expert Lecture Series on YouTube.
Read MoreProfessor Naira Hovakimyan gave a presentation to GoAero seminar series on safe learning in autonomous systems. The presentation can be watched at the link: GoAERO Expert Lecture Series on YouTube.
Read MoreProfessor Naira Hovakimyan was one of the keynote speakers earlier this month at IROS 2024, one of the largest and most important robotics research conferences in the world. Held this year in Abu Dhabi at the largest exhibition venue in the Middle East, IROS attracts researchers, academics and industry professionals from around the globe. Hovakimyan is the […]
Read MoreMechSE Professor Naira Hovakimyan is this year’s recipient of The Grainger College of Engineering’s Award for Excellence in Translational Research. The award honors faculty or staff researchers for special achievements in translational research, such as entrepreneurial activities related to research outcomes, technology transfer of research through licensing of intellectual property, and research leading directly to products/outcomes with notable […]
Read MoreCongratulations to John Bullock, our Ph.D. student, for being awarded the ECE Distinguished Research Fellowship!
Read MoreMechSE Professor Naira Hovakimyan was named a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The distinction recognizes Hovakimyan’s exceptional engineering achievements and contributions to the profession. She was nominated by her MechSE colleague, Professor Joseph Bentsman. Fellows represent just 5 percent of ASME’s membership. The details can be checked here.
Read MoreCongratulations to Neng! He defended his Ph.D. final exam successfully! Here is the final defense recording. The link to the video is here.
Read MoreGrainger Engineering Professor Naira Hovakimyan is leading a new study that seeks to develop safe learning architecture for autonomous systems. Her NSF-funded study, “SLES: Guaranteed Tubes for Safe Learning across Autonomy Architectures,” is a collaboration with Shenlong Wang from UIUC’s Department of Computer Science and electrical engineering professor Xiaofeng Wang at the University of South Carolina. The latter Wang is […]
Read MoreWe are focused on the verification and validation tools and frameworks for the L1 adaptive controller, augmented with robust perception and learning-enabled components, that can safely and securely fly humans in urban areas. Ideally, one should be able to continue living in their affordable house in Urbana-Champaign, have a fancy dinner in Chicago and maybe […]
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