MechSE Magazine Summer 2023

We are focused on the verification and validation tools and frameworks for the L1 adaptive controller, augmented with robust perception and learning-enabled components, that can safely and securely fly humans in urban areas. Ideally, one should be able to continue living in their affordable house in Urbana-Champaign, have a fancy dinner in Chicago and maybe […]

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Lin was awarded the 2023-2024 Yee Fellowship!

Congratulations to Lin Song, our Ph.D. student, for being awarded the prestigious Yee Memorial Fund Fellowship! The Yee Memorial Fellowship is awarded to five engineering students at UIUC Grainger College of Engineering who are Chinese nationals for the 2023-24 academic year. The award includes a stipend over two semesters. Among other criteria, Yee Fellowship winners […]

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Congratulations! Naira named NAI Senior Member!

MechSE Professor Naira Hovakimyan’s success in patents, licensing, and commercialization has earned entry into the 2023 class of Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Hovakimyan was recognized for producing “technologies that have brought, or aspire to bring, real impact on the welfare of society” and for her contributions to the innovation ecosystem at […]

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TEDx Talks: The hidden cost of resistance to innovation in science

Professor Naira Hovakimyan was recently hosted by TEDxYerevan that was using the hashtag #OnceUponAScience, where she spoke about the hidden cost of resistance to innovation. Watch her very inspiring talk at: You could view the PDF file of the talk at the following link at  

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