We are excited to learn that NASA selected our proposal, “Robust Resilient Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility” for their 5th round of ULI funding: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-selects-four-university-teams-for-aviation-projects/.
We have partnered with Chuchu Fan from MIT, Evangelos Theodorou from GaTech, Petros Voulgaris and Christos Papachristos from UNR, and Ali Karimoddini and Ioannis Raptis from NCAT, along with collaborators from Lockheed Martin and Sierra Nevada Corporations. Our UIUC team includes Srinivasa Salapaka from MechSE, Lui Sha and Bo Li from CS, Sayan Mitra from ECE, and Melkior Ornik from AE. We will soon announce our finalized advisory board, wherein we have already secured commitments from The Boeing Company, Wing (Alphabet), and Kitty Hawk.
Check more details on our project at: https://aviate.illinois.edu/.